[ Atlanta Aliens ]

Front Office

Alan "Duck" Richards

[ GM/Head Coach ]
Duck Richards, General Manager/Head Coach.

Duck Richards is looking forward to leading the Atlanta Aliens to another successful season. The Atlanta Aliens have back to back 20 Wins in the past two seasons, back to back South Red Division Champions and South Regional Champions, plus back to back Georgia Division Champions and ABA Finals. Coach Duck is the mastermind behind sending several players to the next level.

Shalesia Richards

[ CEO ]
Shelesia Richards, CEO of the Atlanta Aliens ABA

Professional Basketball Team. The team has competed in the ABA Finals twice under her leadership. Shalesia is a business woman and educator specialist who is strongly involved with the youth in our community.

[ Atlanta Aliens ]


Troy Yancy

[ Assistant ]

Lorenzo Faust

[ Assistant ]

Alan Richards, Jr.

[ Operation ]

Dayqana Kelly

[ Marketing Director ]

Alando Richards

[ Ball Boy]